AG Technology

Vector-AG Technology Limited

SDD Master

Verity Systems SDD Master NSA Approved Degausser

Listed in the NSA/CSS evaluated product list and accepted by the UK National Cyber Security Centre (Formally CESG) as meeting the highest level degaussing standard.

The SDD Master is an NSA certified degausser data sanitisation system with a high energy, pulse discharge hard drive eraser that is designed to offer complete and secure erasure of magnetic media to the very highest level. Generating the strongest magnetic field of any degausser on the market, the SDD Master’s unique triple erase process, ensures complete data erasure every time. Where security is of the utmost importance, the Verity SDD Master should be your degausser of choice – that’s why it’s an NSA approved degausser, favoured by government and security departments around the world.

The SDD Master degausser is fitted with the unique Data Destruction Auditor which enables you to document and verify your hard drive sanitization/erasure and create data protection audit-ready reports. The SDD Master NSA approved self-calibrating degausser provides the user with assured erasure time after time.

Media Handing: Degausses all standard hard drives & all backup tapes

Erase Time: 75 seconds typ.

Magnetic Force: 20,000 Gauss

Throughput: 40 3.5″ hard drives per hour typical

                        80 2.5″ hard drives per hour typical