AG Technology

Vector-AG Technology Limited


Our Services

Data Erasure Service

Data erasure services help you to erase data permanently. We use different methods to handle different devices. We are the distributor of VS Security Products based in the UK, which manufactures professional degaussers and destroyers. We are also distributors of MEJW and U-Reach from Taiwan, which manufacture professional data erasure products. After the degaussing or erasure process, a report can be generated for record keeping.

  • For magnetic storage like hard disks, tapes, and floppies, we use a degausser to eliminate data by randomly changing the alignment of magnetic domains on the medium. 
  • Other than degaussing, we can use the wiping method. We overwrite each sector of the device so that the original data is wiped and cannot be retrieved. The advantage of the wiping method is that the device can be reused again. Hard disks and memory cards can be handled using this method.
  • For SSDs, we can use the secure erase method. It will instruct the SSD’s controller to apply an erase voltage to all NAND cells of the device. This functionality provides a very fast, complete, and robust erasure of the SSD. Besides that, we can also use the VSSP Crunch 250 destroyer to perform physical destruction.
  • For smartphones or iPads, we can also destroy them physically, mainly by destroying the device’s memory chip.

We can provide onsite service for all the above methods, and we will issue a certificate after the process. The certificate includes all the models and serial numbers of the storage devices. We can also help you dispose of IT equipment that complies with EPD ordinance. We can also perform an onsite assessment, and after that, we can provide a detailed proposal on how to handle all the storage and equipment.


Below are the standards we can help you to comply

  • PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry) Data Security Standard
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act)
  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Guidelines for Media Sanitization NIST.SP.800-88r1
  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Guidelines for Media Sanitization NIST SP 800-36
  • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
  • HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act)
  • California SB-1386
  • IRS-1075
  • CJIS
  • Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)
  • OGCIO IT Security Guidelines
  • ISO 27001

  Erasure Report

   Data Destruction Auditor logs all essential information relating to the                 media’s sanitization, including details of the degausser/destroyer used;           operator/user details, media serial numbers, date and time, degauss force       applied and ultimately whether erasure/destruction was completed. 


degaussing report

   The information logged can then be exported to .csv format and reports           created as evidence of the data destruction, providing an immediate audit       trail.


About Data Erasure Services

It depends on the method we use to erase the data. If we perform the degaussing method, then the hard disk cannot be used again. If we perform the wiping process, then the device can be used again.